China Graphite Petroleum Coke GPC for Steelmaking and Casting

China Graphite Petroleum Coke GPC for Steelmaking and Casting

China EPT Petroleum coke GPC for Steelmaking and Casting

EPT Recarburizer is manufactured from high top quality petroleum coke unEPTa temperature of 2800 ordmC.And,it is commonly employed as the ideal variety of recarburizer for creating large top quality steel,EPT metal or other relevant metallurgical EPT,because of its high set carbon content material,low sulfur content and higher soak up charge.Apart from,it also can be employed in plastic and rubber generation as an additive.Our EPT Recarburizer value is reasonable.
EPT is a crystalline form of the component carbon with its atoms organized in a hexagonal framework. It takes place in a natural way in this form and is the most secure kind of carbon unEPTstXiHu (West Lake) Dis.Hu (West Lake) Dis.rd conditions. UnEPThigh pressures and temperatures it converts to diamond. EPT is utilized in pencils and lubricants. Its higher conductivity makes it useful in electronic products this kind of as electrodes, batteries, and solar panels.

1.EPT Recarburizer is mostly utilized for metallurgy amp foundry, it can increase the carbon articles in steel-melting and casting.
two.EPT Recarburizer can improve the quantity of scrap metal and reduce the quantity of pig iron, or use no scrap iron at all.
three.EPT Recarburizer’s also can be used for brake pedal and friction material.

Specifications Kind I Kind II Type III
F.C(Min) ninety nine% ninety eight.5% ninety eight%
S(Max) .05% .05% .05%
ASH(Max) .50% .eighty% one%
V.M(Max) .fifty% .70% one%
H2O(Max) .5% .5% .5%
Dimensions: -1mm,1-3mm,three-5mm,five-8mm,ect.

China Graphite Petroleum Coke GPC for Steelmaking and Casting

China Graphite Petroleum Coke GPC for Steelmaking and Casting